The Crew

Magdalena Woźniakowska - the Heart and the Brain of our project :)
Monika Kulisa - PR, visuals, marketing workshop and Magdalena's Little Helper ;)
Arek Śnieżek - logistics
Justyna Tabian - logistics
Michał Madura - broadcasting, being awsome
Marcin Witkowski - working with sound, the man with cables
Bianka Lesik - radio journalism
Anna Małajowicz - PR, marketing workshop
Rafał Talar - newspaper journalism
Tamara Pawlik - newspaper journalism
Magdalena Kudłacz - PR, marketing workshop
Kuba Rupieta - broadcasting
Emil Perka - working with sound
Mateusz Kucia - working with sound
Paweł Bujak - radio journalism
Michał Sipa - working with sound
Kacper Wawrzak - broadcasting, best haircut :)


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